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Merger and Acquisitions Feed

Provides a list of recent mergers and acquisitions, including the companies involved, the transaction date, and the SEC filing URL.

Company Notes

Provides list of notes issued by a company, financial notes.

Stock Grade

Provides a list of ratings of a company given by hedge funds, investment firms, and analysts.

Company Analyst estimates

Provides comprehensive future estimates for the company, including future revenue, earnings, ebitda, and other estimates.

Exchanges Trading Hours

Provides a list of trading hours for various stock exchanges around the world, including the opening and closing hours, timezone, and current market status.

Delisted Companies

Provides a list of companies that have been delisted from US stock exchanges.

Stock full price

Provides the full stock price information for a company, including the real-time price, today's volume, stock last bid, stock last ask, stock last bid size, stock last ask size, stock last sale price, stock last sale size, and stock last sale time.

Analyst company estimates

Provides analyst future estimates for a company, including revenue, EBITDA, EBIT, net income, SGA expense, EPS, and number of analysts. Future estimates are provided in low, high, and average values.

Book Value Per Share

Provides book value per share, which represents the total book value of a company divided by the number of outstanding shares, indicating the per-share value of the company's equity.

Company Earnings Calendar

Provides the earnings calendar for a specific company, including the estimated revenue, EPS estimate, and revenue estimate for future earnings dates.

historical stock price

Provides the historical stock price data for a given ticker symbol. The data includes daily vwap, day open, day high, day low, day close, day adjusted close, day volume and day change.

Acquisitions (Net)

Provides acquisitions (net), which refers to the total value of assets acquired by a company through purchases of other businesses, net of any assets sold or disposed of during the period.

Stock news

Provides a list of news articles related to a specific stock or company.